As is the flow of our lives, the market was born from a confluence of factors coming together. The location is where Brianna has been working for Salinity Finishing Salt; the company changed ownership, and the space became available. Josh has worked in tree services for years, and is needing to transition to lighter duty work. Our farm – in the bountiful years – produces many thousands of pounds of fruit. Apples, Pears, Plums, Asian Pears, etc. We need a processing kitchen, and to increase the value of our fruit. We’ve already worked farmer’s markets – how about we just run our own little store?
Brianna and Josh have always had overlapping visions and values. Patience, Passion, Persistence. Relentlessly motivating each other with a do-it-yourself attitude. Be involved with work that matters – making positive impacts for people, and the planet. Josh found this in his forest health management, and love of trees; Bri found it in growing wholesome, organic food, and sharing the bounty with others. As we are operating an independent market, certainly we will support the countless local businesses that also make positive impacts on our community and wild, diverse bio-region.

Our selection will evolve as we hone in the needs of our community.
We have an emphasis on gluten and dairy-free items. At the market you will find organic snacks, chocolate, Salinity Salts, and apple cider. Bulk items like seeds, oils, and nuts; and kitchen-created items like popsicles, smoothies, coffee, and various grab-and-go items. Local artists provide a wide range of items, from canvas prints, post and gift cards, to wood-burned art decor, candles, and jewelry. The market also sells native, garden and flower seeds.